compute branch sections located a fixed number of spheres away from each bifurcation. The script takes in input the surface and the relative centerlines, both already split into branches.
Argument | Variable | Type | Length | Range | Default | Description |
id | Id | str | 1 | | 0 | script id |
handle | Self | self | 1 | | | handle to self |
disabled | Disabled | bool | 1 | | 0 | disable execution and piping |
i | Surface | vtkPolyData | 1 | | | the input surface, already split into branches |
ifile | SurfaceInputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default Surface reader |
centerlines | Centerlines | vtkPolyData | 1 | | | the input centerlines, already split into branches |
centerlinesfile | CenterlinesInputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default Centerlines reader |
distancespheres | NumberOfDistanceSpheres | int | 1 | | 1 | distance from the bifurcation at which the sections have to be taken; the distance is expressed in number of inscribed spheres, where each sphere touches the center of the previous one |
radiusarray | RadiusArrayName | str | 1 | | MaximumInscribedSphereRadius | name of the array where centerline radius is stored |
groupidsarray | GroupIdsArrayName | str | 1 | | GroupIds | name of the array where centerline group ids are stored |
centerlineidsarray | CenterlineIdsArrayName | str | 1 | | CenterlineIds | name of the array where centerline ids are stored |
tractidsarray | TractIdsArrayName | str | 1 | | TractIds | name of the array where centerline tract ids are stored |
blankingarray | BlankingArrayName | str | 1 | | Blanking | name of the array where centerline blanking information about branches is stored |
bifurcationsectiongroupids | BifurcationSectionGroupIdsArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionGroupIds | name of the array where the group id to which each section belongs has to be stored |
bifurcationsectionbifurcationgroupids | BifurcationSectionBifurcationGroupIdsArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionBifurcationGroupIds | name of the array where the bifurcation group id to which each section belongs has to be stored |
bifurcationsectionpoint | BifurcationSectionPointArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionPoint | name of the array where the point at which bifurcation sections are defined have to be stored |
bifurcationsectionnormal | BifurcationSectionNormalArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionNormal | name of the array where the bifurcation section normals have to be stored |
bifurcationsectionarea | BifurcationSectionAreaArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionArea | name of the array where the area of bifurcation sections have to be stored |
bifurcationsectionminsize | BifurcationSectionMinSizeArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionMinSize | name of the array where the minimum diameter of each section has to be stored |
bifurcationsectionmaxsize | BifurcationSectionMaxSizeArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionMaxSize | name of the array where the maximum diameter of each bifurcation sections has to be stored |
bifurcationsectionshape | BifurcationSectionShapeArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionShape | name of the array where the shape index, i.e. the ratio between minimum and maximum diameter, of each bifurcation section has to be stored |
bifurcationsectionclosed | BifurcationSectionClosedArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionClosed | name of the array containing 1 if a section is closed and 0 otherwise |
bifurcationsectionorientation | BifurcationSectionOrientationArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionOrientation | name of the array containing 0 if a section is upstream and 0 downstream its bifurcation |
bifurcationsectiondistancespheres | BifurcationSectionDistanceSpheresArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionDistanceSpheres | name of the array containing the number of spheres away from the bifurcation the section is located at |
sectionpointgroupid | OutputSectionPointGroupId | int | 1 | (0,) | None | |
sectionpointbifurcationgroupid | OutputSectionPointBifurcationGroupId | int | 1 | (0,) | None | |
ofile | BifurcationSectionsOutputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default BifurcationSections writer |
Argument | Variable | Type | Length | Range | Default | Description |
id | Id | str | 1 | | 0 | script id |
handle | Self | self | 1 | | | handle to self |
o | BifurcationSections | vtkPolyData | 1 | | | the output sections |
bifurcationsectiongroupids | BifurcationSectionGroupIdsArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionGroupIds | name of the array where the group id to which each section belongs are stored |
bifurcationsectionbifurcationgroupids | BifurcationSectionBifurcationGroupIdsArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionBifurcationGroupIds | name of the array where the bifurcation group id to which each section belongs has to be stored |
bifurcationsectionpoint | BifurcationSectionPointArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionPoint | name of the array where the point at which bifurcation sections are defined are stored |
bifurcationsectionnormal | BifurcationSectionNormalArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionNormal | name of the array where bifurcation section normals are stored |
bifurcationsectionarea | BifurcationSectionAreaArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionArea | name of the array where the area of bifurcation sections are stored |
bifurcationsectionminsize | BifurcationSectionMinSizeArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionMinSize | name of the array where the minimum diameter of each section are stored |
bifurcationsectionmaxsize | BifurcationSectionMaxSizeArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionMaxSize | name of the array where the minimum diameter of each bifurcation sections has to be stored |
bifurcationsectionshape | BifurcationSectionShapeArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionShape | name of the array where the shape index, i.e. the ratio between minimum and maximum diameter, of each bifurcation section are stored |
bifurcationsectionclosed | BifurcationSectionClosedArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionClosed | name of the array containing 1 if a section is closed and 0 otherwise |
bifurcationsectionorientation | BifurcationSectionOrientationArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionOrientation | name of the array containing 0 if a section is upstream and 0 downstream its bifurcation |
bifurcationsectiondistancespheres | BifurcationSectionDistanceSpheresArrayName | str | 1 | | BifurcationSectionDistanceSpheres | name of the array containing the number of spheres away from the bifurcation the section is located at |
sectionpoint | OutputSectionPoint | float | 3 | | [] | |
sectionnormal | OutputSectionNormal | float | 3 | | [] | |
sectionarea | OutputSectionArea | float | 1 | | 0.0 | |