

compute branch sections located a fixed number of spheres away from each bifurcation. The script takes in input the surface and the relative centerlines, both already split into branches.

Input arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
disabledDisabledbool10disable execution and piping
iSurfacevtkPolyData1the input surface, already split into branches
ifileSurfaceInputFileNamestr1filename for the default Surface reader
centerlinesCenterlinesvtkPolyData1the input centerlines, already split into branches
centerlinesfileCenterlinesInputFileNamestr1filename for the default Centerlines reader
distancespheresNumberOfDistanceSpheresint11distance from the bifurcation at which the sections have to be taken; the distance is expressed in number of inscribed spheres, where each sphere touches the center of the previous one
radiusarrayRadiusArrayNamestr1MaximumInscribedSphereRadiusname of the array where centerline radius is stored
groupidsarrayGroupIdsArrayNamestr1GroupIdsname of the array where centerline group ids are stored
centerlineidsarrayCenterlineIdsArrayNamestr1CenterlineIdsname of the array where centerline ids are stored
tractidsarrayTractIdsArrayNamestr1TractIdsname of the array where centerline tract ids are stored
blankingarrayBlankingArrayNamestr1Blankingname of the array where centerline blanking information about branches is stored
bifurcationsectiongroupidsBifurcationSectionGroupIdsArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionGroupIdsname of the array where the group id to which each section belongs has to be stored
bifurcationsectionbifurcationgroupidsBifurcationSectionBifurcationGroupIdsArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionBifurcationGroupIdsname of the array where the bifurcation group id to which each section belongs has to be stored
bifurcationsectionpointBifurcationSectionPointArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionPointname of the array where the point at which bifurcation sections are defined have to be stored
bifurcationsectionnormalBifurcationSectionNormalArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionNormalname of the array where the bifurcation section normals have to be stored
bifurcationsectionareaBifurcationSectionAreaArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionAreaname of the array where the area of bifurcation sections have to be stored
bifurcationsectionminsizeBifurcationSectionMinSizeArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionMinSizename of the array where the minimum diameter of each section has to be stored
bifurcationsectionmaxsizeBifurcationSectionMaxSizeArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionMaxSizename of the array where the maximum diameter of each bifurcation sections has to be stored
bifurcationsectionshapeBifurcationSectionShapeArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionShapename of the array where the shape index, i.e. the ratio between minimum and maximum diameter, of each bifurcation section has to be stored
bifurcationsectionclosedBifurcationSectionClosedArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionClosedname of the array containing 1 if a section is closed and 0 otherwise
bifurcationsectionorientationBifurcationSectionOrientationArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionOrientationname of the array containing 0 if a section is upstream and 0 downstream its bifurcation
bifurcationsectiondistancespheresBifurcationSectionDistanceSpheresArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionDistanceSpheresname of the array containing the number of spheres away from the bifurcation the section is located at
ofileBifurcationSectionsOutputFileNamestr1filename for the default BifurcationSections writer

Output arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
oBifurcationSectionsvtkPolyData1the output sections
bifurcationsectiongroupidsBifurcationSectionGroupIdsArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionGroupIdsname of the array where the group id to which each section belongs are stored
bifurcationsectionbifurcationgroupidsBifurcationSectionBifurcationGroupIdsArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionBifurcationGroupIdsname of the array where the bifurcation group id to which each section belongs has to be stored
bifurcationsectionpointBifurcationSectionPointArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionPointname of the array where the point at which bifurcation sections are defined are stored
bifurcationsectionnormalBifurcationSectionNormalArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionNormalname of the array where bifurcation section normals are stored
bifurcationsectionareaBifurcationSectionAreaArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionAreaname of the array where the area of bifurcation sections are stored
bifurcationsectionminsizeBifurcationSectionMinSizeArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionMinSizename of the array where the minimum diameter of each section are stored
bifurcationsectionmaxsizeBifurcationSectionMaxSizeArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionMaxSizename of the array where the minimum diameter of each bifurcation sections has to be stored
bifurcationsectionshapeBifurcationSectionShapeArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionShapename of the array where the shape index, i.e. the ratio between minimum and maximum diameter, of each bifurcation section are stored
bifurcationsectionclosedBifurcationSectionClosedArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionClosedname of the array containing 1 if a section is closed and 0 otherwise
bifurcationsectionorientationBifurcationSectionOrientationArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionOrientationname of the array containing 0 if a section is upstream and 0 downstream its bifurcation
bifurcationsectiondistancespheresBifurcationSectionDistanceSpheresArrayNamestr1BifurcationSectionDistanceSpheresname of the array containing the number of spheres away from the bifurcation the section is located at