

create a prismatic boundary layer from a surface mesh and a set of vectors defined on the nodes

Input arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
disabledDisabledbool10disable execution and piping
iMeshvtkUnstructuredGrid1the input mesh
ifileMeshInputFileNamestr1filename for the default Mesh reader
warpvectorsarrayWarpVectorsArrayNamestr1Normalsname of the array where warp vectors are stored
thicknessarrayThicknessArrayNamestr1name of the array where scalars defining boundary layer thickness are stored
thicknessThicknessfloat11.0value of constant boundary layer thickness
thicknessratioThicknessRatiofloat1(0.0,)0.1multiplying factor for boundary layer thickness
maximumthicknessMaximumThicknessfloat110000000000.0maximum allowed value for boundary layer thickness
sublayersNumberOfSubLayersint1(0,)1number of sublayers which the boundary layer has to be made of
substepsNumberOfSubstepsint1(0,)2000number of substeps for smoothly propagating the boundary layer
relaxationRelaxationfloat1(0.0,)0.01relaxation factor for the evolution of the inner surface
localcorrectionLocalCorrectionFactorfloat1(0.0,)0.45amount of correction to apply to warp vectors during local untangling
innersurfaceentityidInnerSurfaceCellEntityIdint1(0,)0cell entity id assigned to the inner warped surface
outersurfaceentityidOuterSurfaceCellEntityIdint1(0,)0cell entity id assigned to the original outer surface
sidewallentityidSidewallCellEntityIdint1(0,)0cell entity id assigned to the sidewall elements generated by sweeping
volumeentityidVolumeCellEntityIdint1(0,)0cell entity id assigned to volume elements of the boundary layer
sublayerratioSubLayerRatiofloat1(0.0,)1.0ratio between the thickness of two successive boundary layers
warpvectormagnitudeasthicknessUseWarpVectorMagnitudeAsThicknessbool10compute boundary layer thickness as the norm of warp vectors
constantthicknessConstantThicknessbool10toggle constant boundary layer thickness
includesurfacecellsIncludeSurfaceCellsbool11include inner and outer surface cells in the output mesh
includesidewallcellsIncludeSidewallCellsbool11include surface cells generated by sweeping the input surface boundaries in the output mesh
negatewarpvectorsNegateWarpVectorsbool10flip the orientation of warp vectors
ofileMeshOutputFileNamestr1filename for the default Mesh writer
oinnerfileInnerSurfaceMeshOutputFileNamestr1filename for the default InnerSurfaceMesh writer

Output arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
oMeshvtkUnstructuredGrid1the output mesh
oinnerInnerSurfaceMeshvtkUnstructuredGrid1the output inner surface mesh