

merge centerline tracts belonging to the same groups

Input arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
disabledDisabledbool10disable execution and piping
iCenterlinesvtkPolyData1the input centerlines
ifileCenterlinesInputFileNamestr1filename for the default Centerlines reader
radiusarrayRadiusArrayNamestr1MaximumInscribedSphereRadiusname of the array where centerline radius is stored
groupidsarrayGroupIdsArrayNamestr1GroupIdsname of the array where centerline group ids are stored
centerlineidsarrayCenterlineIdsArrayNamestr1CenterlineIdsname of the array where centerline ids are stored
tractidsarrayTractIdsArrayNamestr1TractIdsname of the array where centerline tract ids are stored
blankingarrayBlankingArrayNamestr1Blankingname of the array where centerline blanking information about branches is stored
lengthLengthfloat1(0.0,)0.0length of the resampling interval
mergeblankedMergeBlankedbool11toggle generation of segments for blanked groups
ofileCenterlinesOutputFileNamestr1filename for the default Centerlines writer

Output arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
oCenterlinesvtkPolyData1the output centerlines