extract mesh sections along centerlines. The script takes in input the mesh and the relative centerlines.
Argument | Variable | Type | Length | Range | Default | Description |
id | Id | str | 1 | | 0 | script id |
handle | Self | self | 1 | | | handle to self |
disabled | Disabled | bool | 1 | | 0 | disable execution and piping |
i | Mesh | vtkUnstructuredGrid | 1 | | | the input mesh |
ifile | MeshInputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default Mesh reader |
centerlines | Centerlines | vtkPolyData | 1 | | | the input centerlines |
centerlinesfile | CenterlinesInputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default Centerlines reader |
source | SectionSource | vtkPolyData | 1 | | | the input section source with which to probe the mesh (optional) |
sourcefile | SectionSourceInputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default SectionSource reader |
usesource | UseSectionSource | bool | 1 | | False | if off, slice mesh with plane to generate sections; if on, use the SectionSource to probe the mesh |
sourcescaling | SourceScaling | bool | 1 | | False | toggle scaling the source with the local radius |
transformsections | TransformSections | bool | 1 | | False | transform sections so that they are at the origin, with normal 0,0,1 and upNormal 0,1,0 |
sectionidsarray | SectionIdsArrayName | str | 1 | | SectionIds | the name of the array where the ids identifying sections are stored |
normalsarray | SectionNormalsArrayName | str | 1 | | SectionNormals | the name of the array where normals determining the section planes are stored |
upnormalsarray | SectionUpNormalsArrayName | str | 1 | | | the name of the array where normals determining the "up" orientation of sections are stored |
additionalnormalsarray | AdditionalNormalsArrayName | str | 1 | | None | the name of the array that contains normals that will be transformed and assigned to additional data points |
additionalscalarsarray | AdditionalScalarsArrayName | str | 1 | | None | the name of the array that contains scalars that will be assigned to additional data points |
vectorsarray | VectorsArrayName | str | 1 | | | the name of the array where vectors, e.g. velocity vectors, are stored |
originoffset | OriginOffset | float | 3 | | [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] | offset of subsequent sections after transformation |
ofile | CenterlineSectionsOutputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default CenterlineSections writer |
sectionpointsfile | SectionPointsPolyDataOutputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default SectionPointsPolyData writer |