compute centerlines from a branching tubular surface (see papers for details); seed points can be interactively selected on the surface, or specified as the barycenters of the open boundaries of the surface; if vmtk is compiled with support for TetGen, TetGen can be employed to compute the Delaunay tessellation of the input points
Argument | Variable | Type | Length | Range | Default | Description |
id | Id | str | 1 | | 0 | script id |
handle | Self | self | 1 | | | handle to self |
disabled | Disabled | bool | 1 | | 0 | disable execution and piping |
i | Surface | vtkPolyData | 1 | | | the input surface |
ifile | SurfaceInputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default Surface reader |
seedselector | SeedSelectorName | str | 1 | ["pickpoint","openprofiles","carotidprofiles","profileidlist","idlist","pointlist"] | pickpoint | seed point selection method (pickpoint: interactive; openprofiles: choose among barycenters of open profiles of the surface; carotidprofiles: open profiles are automatically selected based on their z-axis coordinate (lower to higher: CCA, ECA, ICA)); profileidlist: list of open profile ids (specified as argument to -sourceids and -targetids); idlist: list of surface point ids (specified as argument to -sourceids and -targetids); pointlist: list of surface points (specified as argument to -sourcepoints and -targetpoints) |
sourceids | SourceIds | int | -1 | | [] | list of source point ids |
targetids | TargetIds | int | -1 | | [] | list of target point ids |
sourcepoints | SourcePoints | float | -1 | | [] | list of source point coordinates |
targetpoints | TargetPoints | float | -1 | | [] | list of target point coordinates |
endpoints | AppendEndPoints | bool | 1 | | 0 | toggle append open profile barycenters to centerlines |
nonmanifoldcheck | CheckNonManifold | bool | 1 | | 0 | toggle checking the surface for non-manifold edges |
flipnormals | FlipNormals | bool | 1 | | 0 | flip normals after outward normal computation; outward oriented normals must be computed for the removal of outer tetrahedra; the algorithm might fail so for weird geometries, so changing this might solve the problem |
capdisplacement | CapDisplacement | float | 1 | | 0.0 | displacement of the center points of caps at open profiles along their normals (avoids the creation of degenerate tetrahedra) |
delaunaytolerance | DelaunayTolerance | float | 1 | | 0.001 | tolerance for evaluating coincident points during Delaunay tessellation, evaluated as a fraction of the bounding box |
radiusarray | RadiusArrayName | str | 1 | | MaximumInscribedSphereRadius | name of the array where radius values of maximal inscribed spheres have to be stored |
endpoints | AppendEndPoints | bool | 1 | | 0 | toggle append open profile barycenters to centerlines |
resampling | Resampling | bool | 1 | | 0 | toggle centerlines resampling |
resamplingstep | ResamplingStepLength | float | 1 | (0.0,) | 1.0 | distance between points in the resampled line |
delaunaytessellation | DelaunayTessellation | vtkUnstructuredGrid | 1 | | | optional input Delaunay tessellation |
simplifyvoronoi | SimplifyVoronoi | bool | 1 | | 0 | toggle simplification of Voronoi diagram |
usetetgen | UseTetGen | bool | 1 | | 0 | toggle use TetGen to compute Delaunay tessellation |
tetgendetectinter | TetGenDetectInter | bool | 1 | | 1 | TetGen option |
costfunction | CostFunction | str | 1 | | 1/R | specify cost function to be minimized during centerline computation |
renderer | vmtkRenderer | vmtkRenderer | 1 | | | external renderer |
ofile | CenterlinesOutputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default Centerlines writer |
delaunaytessellationfile | DelaunayTessellationOutputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default DelaunayTessellation writer |
voronoidiagramfile | VoronoiDiagramOutputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default VoronoiDiagram writer |