read data associated with a mesh
Input arguments
Argument | Variable | Type | Length | Range | Default | Description |
id | Id | str | 1 | | 0 | script id |
handle | Self | self | 1 | | | handle to self |
disabled | Disabled | bool | 1 | | 0 | disable execution and piping |
i | Mesh | vtkUnstructuredGrid | 1 | | | the input mesh |
ifile | MeshInputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default Mesh reader |
directory | DataFileDirectory | str | 1 | | . | directory where the data files reside |
prefix | DataFilePrefix | str | 1 | | | data file name prefix (e.g. foo_) |
datafile | DataFileName | str | 1 | | | data file name (e.g. foo.dat) excluding directory - overrides prefix |
filetype | DataFileType | str | 1 | | tetr.vel | data file name type (tetr.out, tetr.vel, tetr.wss, tetr.pres, tetr.ini, pointdata) |
arrayprefix | ArrayNamePrefix | str | 1 | | | prefix to prepend to array names in output |
tetrinfile | TetrInFileName | str | 1 | | | name of the tetr.in file |
compressed | Compressed | bool | 1 | | 1 | toggle reading gzip compressed file |
unnormalize | UnNormalize | bool | 1 | | 1 | unnormalize quantities - tetr.* only |
minvarid | MinVariableId | int | 1 | (0,) | -1 | read variables starting from the nth column - pointdata only |
maxvarid | MaxVariableId | int | 1 | (0,) | -1 | read variables up to the nth column - pointdata only |
ofile | MeshOutputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default Mesh writer |
Output arguments
Argument | Variable | Type | Length | Range | Default | Description |
id | Id | str | 1 | | 0 | script id |
handle | Self | self | 1 | | | handle to self |
o | Mesh | vtkUnstructuredGrid | 1 | | | the output mesh |