

read data associated with a mesh

Input arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
disabledDisabledbool10disable execution and piping
iMeshvtkUnstructuredGrid1the input mesh
ifileMeshInputFileNamestr1filename for the default Mesh reader
directoryDataFileDirectorystr1.directory where the data files reside
prefixDataFilePrefixstr1data file name prefix (e.g. foo_)
datafileDataFileNamestr1data file name (e.g. foo.dat) excluding directory - overrides prefix
filetypeDataFileTypestr1tetr.veldata file name type (tetr.out, tetr.vel, tetr.wss, tetr.pres, tetr.ini, pointdata)
arrayprefixArrayNamePrefixstr1prefix to prepend to array names in output
tetrinfileTetrInFileNamestr1name of the tetr.in file
compressedCompressedbool11toggle reading gzip compressed file
unnormalizeUnNormalizebool11unnormalize quantities - tetr.* only
minvaridMinVariableIdint1(0,)-1read variables starting from the nth column - pointdata only
maxvaridMaxVariableIdint1(0,)-1read variables up to the nth column - pointdata only
ofileMeshOutputFileNamestr1filename for the default Mesh writer

Output arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
oMeshvtkUnstructuredGrid1the output mesh