

perform an operation between arrays of two surfaces and store result in the first surface

Input arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
disabledDisabledbool10disable execution and piping
iSurfacevtkPolyData1the input surface
ifileSurfaceInputFileNamestr1filename for the default Surface reader
i2Surface2vtkPolyData1the second input surface
i2fileSurface2InputFileNamestr1filename for the default Surface2 reader
operationOperationstr1["multiplybyc","addc","add","subtract","multiply","min","max"]addthe operation to be performed on the array; multiplybyc and addc only require the first input Surface to be specified
constantConstantfloat10.0the value of the constant for multiplybyc and addc
iarrayInputArrayNamestr1Nonethe name of the array on the first surface
i2arrayInput2ArrayNamestr1Nonethe name of the array on the second surface; if unspecified, InputArrayName is used
resultarrayResultArrayNamestr1Resultthe name of the array where the result of the operation is stored
ofileSurfaceOutputFileNamestr1filename for the default Surface writer

Output arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
oSurfacevtkPolyData1the output surface