

add caps to the holes of a surface, assigning an id to each cap for easy specification of boundary conditions.

Input arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
disabledDisabledbool10disable execution and piping
iSurfacevtkPolyData1the input surface
ifileSurfaceInputFileNamestr1filename for the default Surface reader
methodMethodstr1["simple","centerpoint","smooth","annular","concaveannular"]simplecapping method
triangleTriangleOutputbool11toggle triangulation of the output
entityidsarrayCellEntityIdsArrayNamestr1CellEntityIdsname of the array where the id of the caps have to be stored
entityidoffsetCellEntityIdOffsetint1(0,)1offset for entity ids
constraintConstraintFactorfloat11.0amount of influence of the shape of the surface near the boundary on the shape of the cap ("smooth" method only)
ringsNumberOfRingsint1(0,)8number of rings composing the cap ("smooth" method only)
renderervmtkRenderervmtkRenderer1external renderer
ofileSurfaceOutputFileNamestr1filename for the default Surface writer

Output arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
oSurfacevtkPolyData1the output surface
entityidsarrayCellEntityIdsArrayNamestr1CellEntityIdsname of the array where the id of the caps are stored